Wednesday 1 May 2013

Sample of fax

Writing Skills Series

A fax message is often sent when particular
official correspondence needs to be sent or
received urgently and it is not possible to send the documents via e-mail. In some cases, a
fax may have been requested.
The message usually has a cover page containing the following information:

•name and fax number of the recipient
•name and fax number of the writer
•number of pages

The cover page also usually contains a short message.
Any document (e.g. report, letter, purchase order) that you are sending follows the cover

Sample fax message


To: Jenny Smith                                                       Fax Number: 0335 294762
From: Jamie Fraser                                                  Fax Number: 0227 664290
Date: 29 November 2007
                                                                                  Number of pages: 4 (including this page)
Subject: Amendments to the report

I have had a look through your report, as requested.
I agree with most of it. However, I would pr
opose making some slight changes to some
I have indicated the suggested changes in the sections attached.



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